The ultimate floor-by-floor solution.
With a small footprint and quiet operation, a cost-effective Omnizone™ stand-alone cooling system permits installation anywhere in the building eliminating the need for an equipment room. Omnizone systems provide ultimate flexibility, efficiency, affordability, quiet and control. Just select the best cooling source for your system, whether air, water or remote-cooled, and enjoy the energy savings that come with highly efficient advanced scroll technology.
Packaged Indoor
Water Source Heat Pumps
Multi-room comfort control that’s head of its class.
The industry’s only water source heat pump with automatic 3-speed fan control provides greater and more versatile comfort control than its 2-speed counterparts- an economical approach for comfort conditioning requirements in both traditional and geothermal replacement, renovation, and new construction applications. They are ideally suited for geothermal LEED® certification driven projects.